Latest Events

Here's a quick guide to our lineup!

Join our monthly meetings via Zoom.
We’d love to have you!

Monthly Meetings

Register for our monthly meetings through our newsletter.
What can you expect?
In 2023 and 2024, we had experts like

  • Brian Meeks. You may have seen him at national writer’s conventions like 20BooksTo50K, or on the wildly popular Rebel Author Podcast with Sacha Black. Brian is a nationally known marketing expert who, in addition to the presentation, did a live assessment of two members’ Amazon strategies. 
  • Jaden Terrell’s acclaimed “Reading Like a Writer” class, where you learn to analyze what you’re reading.
  • Internationally certified crime scene expert, Dr. Kenneth Kinsey, who Court TV called “One of the breakout stars of the Murdaugh family murders case.”

And we’re just getting started!
Wait till you see our  2025 line-up.

Our newsletter gives you a schedule of upcoming, free monthly Zoom meetings, open to the public.
And don’t forget, paid members have full access to years of past presentations!

Consider joining today.

We Want to Hear From You

Do you have news? Is there a topic you want to hear more about? Anything else you would like to say? Get in touch!
[email protected]

A Sneak Peek at Upcoming Events

10 Mistakes Writers Make About the Law

With Leslie Budewitz

April 3, 2025 (7:00-8:00pm Eastern)

Learn all about the law and what goes on inside a courtroom. Leslie is a practicing lawyer and the winner of three Agatha Awards! You’ll love this presentation.

An Exciting Year...

We had a ball with Jessica Arden Cline’s Tarot for Fiction Writers, and we learned so much from Steve Hockensmith’s Putting the History in Your Mystery! And in November, we took a look at the newest sensation on the writing scene: serialization!

Coming in May: “Atticus: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?” And in June, we’ll learn how to kill off our characters! 

In March...

Cozy Mystery Day in March!

Join Upstate SC Chapter March 22 for a live local event in Travelers Rest. We will be manning a table at the event, hosted by As the Page Turns Bookstore (32 S. Main St.) and will need volunteers to help hand out information and host our own fun and games – with prizes! The store itself is having a neighborhood Murder Party, with actors, guest speakers, and clues all over.

Please RSVP below. If you can come in person, that’s fantastic. If you can’t, please consider making a small donation to pay for prizes and printing costs. Thank you in advance!

Saturday, March 22
9am to 4 or 6pm

Please RSVP

Coming up in May, we’re going to look at a great new(ish) software for indie writers: Atticus. Monique Danielle will give us the low-down on this and show you how to succeed. You won’t want to miss this one!

June will bring “Killing Off Your Characters” with award-winning author Barbara Evers. Registration links coming soon for both presentations!

Chapter News

Our Author Newsletters

Looking to hear more from our members? Click the links to sign up for their newsletters and you’ll always know what we’re up to!

Mysteries & Musings by Raegan Teller | Raegan Teller, Mystery Author | Substack

Jackie’s Cozy News by Jackie Layton

Etiquette Can be Murder by Lucinda Gerlitz

Sharee Stover’s Newsletter by Sharee Stover

Need more eyes on your author newsletter or blog? Contact [email protected] to have your newsletter listed here!

Spring is near...!

logo for upstate sc sisters in crime, a black fountain pen nib inside a blood-red spattered circle

We wanted to share our latest news with you: we have a new, official chapter logo! This has been approved by National, so we have the go-ahead to start using it on everything official–including on our spiffy new Business Cards! If anyone would like some cards to pass out to interested parties, just let us know. We can arrange a brief meet-up and get you stocked up.

We’re always interested in hearing from you! What would you like to see and hear more of? What presentations would you love to attend? Are there speakers you may know we could reach out to?

Please email us any time to let us know what you want and need as an Upstate Sisters in Crime member!

Looking for the answer to our Newsletter Trivia question? It’s true. Dorothy Sayers’ detective, Lord Peter Wimsey, often wore a monocle, though it was a mere affectation. Did you guess correctly?

Stay warm!

Why Join Upstate SC SinC?

We’ve got 10 great reasons! 

As a member, you have access to event recordings, the bookstore, and a member library.

Our informative workshops and seminars will help you hone your craft.

Our in-person and virtual meetings feature award-winning authors, crime and law enforcement experts, and a variety of industry gurus to help you on your writing journey.

Our members include writers in multiple genres and sub-genres, best-selling and award-winning authors who are both traditionally and independently published.

Fellow members are always happy and willing to share their insight and experience with both writing and marketing.

Our blog provides all members with the opportunity to contribute articles on topics of interest.

Our Facebook, Instagram, and Tradewings pages provide members with opportunities for announcements like publishing news and book launches.

Members are offered table space for book sales at special events.

Our Upstate SC Chapter has numerous Board of Director and committee opportunities for anyone who’d like to be more active and take part in planning and decision-making.

As a member, you can experience all of the above with other members, enjoy yourself, and make new friends.
Sisters never write alone.
And guys, we mean you, too!

Want to be Part of the Fun?

There are so many ways to be part of Sisters in Crime of Upstate South Carolina. 
Come join us, today!

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