Today we have a great tip for getting Convention Ready.
One of the best things about attending a convention or workshop is the chance to talk with other writers. It’s those little conversations over lunch or in the elevator that sometimes give us the most useful and unexpected tips.
That’s what happened to me at the 20Books Indie Publishing Convention in Las Vegas. First contact was a meet-and-greet with 2,000 writers of different genres. And of course, by the second glass of wine, everyone at our table had made connections for life.
Here’s the fun part…
Of the six at my table, only two had business cards.
Some were from a generation where business cards were the bee’s knees. And if you’ve ever used that idiom, you might be in that group, so you’re going to love this tip from some writer friends who are selling in the six-figures.
They don’t use business cards. At all. And before you ask, they don’t use printed bookmarks as a substitute, either. They save those for reader magnets.
Business cards are bulky, expensive, and easily lost.
Instead, they use phone apps that exchange a pre-made template with their picture, email, website, any social media, and even their phone number if they choose. The templates are totally customizable to each user’s preference, and there are several apps to choose from, but the initial setup is virtually the same.
Here’s how it works…
- Have a list of all your social media account links written down.
- Download the app to your cell phone. The apps work on both iPhones and Android.
- Takes five minutes to customize your screen.
That’s it. You’re done setting up.
So how do you actually share your information?
The app created your personal QR code and installed it on your phone screen where you can move it just like any other app. Open your phone and show your personal QR code. The person you’re connecting with does not need the app. (But they’re probably going to ask you how to get it when they see how easy it is!) They open their phone camera, place it over the QR code and the phones do the rest!
Your template is transferred to their contacts list, where they can add their own notes. Neither of you have access to the other’s phone contacts, but you are connected until you delete the contact.
Online marketing stats tell us we have three seconds to make an impression. The same is true at a fast-paced convention or any other in-person event. What kind of impression do you make when you’re rifling through your bag looking for a card?
And what kind of impression do you make in the seconds it takes to light up your phone screen?
Ready to give it a try?
My preferred app is Blinq. Do a search with your phone in the Google Play Store or Apple AppStore. Blinq is a free account, so it saves time, money, and space in my carry-on. Anyone who’s ever had to leave behind the basics to avoid checking a second bag at the airport will tell you, pack less! Electronic contacts are a great way to do that.
Best of all, you don’t look scattered and stressed, wondering where you stuck your cards when you want to connect. You don’t carry a bulky stack in your pocket, you don’t have to go back to your hotel room when you run low, and you’re never going to find your expensive cards lost on the floor. If you want even more customization, you can upgrade to a paid account, but the free version looks very professional and keeps you convention ready.
Try it! Whether you’re attending a local author event or gearing up for a national convention, electronic contacts are a convenient way to stay connected. If we’re ever at the same event, stop me and ask to see how it works.
If you’re visual like me, enjoy this four-minute YouTube setup video. Try using your latest book cover image, or author headshot in place of company logos.
Ursula Vogt is a professional copywriter specializing in SEO and online marketing. She is also a crime and mystery author. Her most recent publications are for Writer's Digest Online, and Shotgun Honey under her pen name.